How Pin-teresting!

Pinterest - the new addiction of many ladies just like myself. It's amazing and frustrating all at the same time. Example, I love to bake but cooking is a challenge for me (mainly because I'm a vegetarian and my husband is a carnivore) so I turn to Pinterest for ideas and recipes.

Pin! Pin! Pin!

Okay so now I have all these great recipes to attempt and have mountains of new baking recipes that are begging to be put into production. Then the cruel reality slaps me in the face of a motivational pin that states: "Get off your butt and stop jiggling. Work out!" and "Yesterday you said tomorrow"
How evil is that?! Pinterest, you make me fat and then make me feel bad about it? Don't even get me started on your uber cute outfits you pull together and make my head spin while I shop for look alike things. Oh, and those nail designs? Let's be real, the normal person cannot pull those designs off on themselves. What is an addicted girl like me supposed to do now?

Get creative and DIY!

I'm good at that! Not to toot my own horn but that's always been my thing. Some people are numbers and logistic beings. I'm the creative artsy one. Pinterest came after our wedding but heck, I am proud to say our wedding was all done before THE "pin" and the legwork was all mine. But now I get to use Pinterest for decorating our first home together and it's been AMAZING!

First up - our beautiful monogram decal above our bed. The decal was ordered from Etsy and we simply left the back of the frame off. How easy is that? And to think I would have never thought about it myself! What southern girl doesn't love monograms?! Thanks Ten23 Designs for the custom decal!

Apparently Walgreens does poster prints now and they are quite cheap! I made a 20 x 30 for $15 (with a coupon!) Word to the wise, if you are printing professional photos, be sure to have a hard copy photo release form from your photographer.

Next up, bathroom wall art. Simple canvas squares with scrapbook paper. Super easy and very inexpensive!

I gripe daily about the lack of storage space Sean and I have in our cozy apartment. We have one closet. ONE! Thankfully we have a loft which is where our office area will soon be Pinterest-ified! But, our apartment, like most, came with a built in desk area. Being we didn't need it, I decided to turn it into a closet. Big thanks to my wonderful husband for always being prepared to handle my ideas and crafts!

Left - Before     *     Right - After
Whew - needless to say we've been pretty busy! Obviously I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Please keep inspiring me creatively (but stop inspiring my waist to creatively grow!)

Hey y'all - get to pinning and of course, follow me!

Follow Me on Pinterest

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